Unit testing


Consider the initial C implementation of a simple currency type (a pair of a currency name and a currency amount) given in money.h and money.c.

We want to reassure ourselves that the code thus far is correct, using unit testing.

In check_money_tiny.c you can find the skeleton of a C program that uses money.c as a library and unit tests it with a single test case. It uses the Check unit testing framework for C, which you should have already installed as part of the first lab session. It can be built and run like this:

$ gcc -Wall -c -o money.o money.c
$ gcc -Wall -c -o check_money_tiny.o check_money_tiny.c
$ gcc -Wall -o check_money_tiny check_money_tiny.o money.o `pkg-config --libs check`
$ ./check_money_tiny 
Running suite(s): Money
100%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
check_money_tiny.c:17:P:Core:test_money_create_amount:0: Passed

Exercise 1.a: read through the implementation of money.c and check_money_tiny.c to make sure you understand what the code does. Help yourself with the Check documentation as needed.

Code coverage

The notion of code coverage is a measure of how much of your implementation code is exercised during the execution of your test suite. It can be measured in various ways, we will focus on the simplest metric: how many lines of code are (not) executed during test suite running (i.e., line coverage). You can verify the line coverage of your current test suite using gcov, which is part of gcc by:

  1. compile/link your project passing the -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage options to compiler and linker,
  2. execute your test suite (./check_money_tiny in this case),
  3. inspect code coverage of a source code file you care about, e.g.:
$ gcov money.c 
File 'money.c'
Lines executed:75.00% of 16
Creating 'money.c.gcov'

Lines executed:75.00% of 16

The summary tells you the percentage of lines of code exercised during execution. The mentioned file money.c.gcov is an annotated version of money.c that shows precisely which lines have been executed (or not).

Exercise 1.b: measure the code coverage of the current test suite for money.c. Then, add all the test cases you need to maximize code coverage. Can you reach 100% line coverage? Why or why not?

Exercise 1.c: (optional and tricky, feel free to postpone this one to the end of the session) add a memory unsafety issue to the money.c implementation, and specifically one that crashes the execution of your test case. For example, you can implement a new money_add method that performs an out-of-bound read or write. Then add a test that run the buggy code, crashing the execution of the test case. Does the test case crash cause the crash of the entire test suite? (i.e., do other test cases supposed to run after it keep running or not?) Why or why not?